Dance Policy
Dances are sponsored by the A.S.B. Proper behavior is expected at all times of all attendees. Students must be in attendance at least 4 periods the day of any dance (or day prior for Saturday Dances) in order to attend. All students must abide by the following regulations:
- Serra students must have a 2.0 GPA and 2.0 citizenship average on the latest report card to be eligible to purchase tickets for the dance.
- ASB card discounts will not be valid on the last day of ticket sales. Plan ahead.
- Serra Students on the LOP list will not be allowed to attend ANY Serra Dances, including Prom. (Even if a ticket has been purchased.)
- Each dance form is verified for accuracy. In the event of any forged information or signature, the student will be denied admission to the dance and may be assigned additional disciplinary action.
- Middle/Junior High school students grade 8 or younger, are not permitted to attend any dance.
- No guests over 20 years old will be approved or admitted to the dance and must submit a photo ID which shows verification of age.
- The Vice Principal or Administrative Designee must approve all non-Serra student guests. Non-Serra students must submit proof of 2.0 GPA and 2.0 citizenship from their current school, and approval from their administration
- No admittance to the dance 1 hour after the start time and no dismissal from the dance until 1/2 hour before the end time.
- Once admitted to the dance, all attendees must remain the entire time. (There are NO EXCEPTIONS!)
- All attendees (Serra Students and their guests) must show some form of photo identification (school/military ID, driver license, etc.) to be admitted to the dance.
- If necessary, students and their guests, may be searched by school officials during the dance.
- Refunds will not be issued to any person removed from the event.
- The following are specifically prohibited at school-sponsored events: drugs, alcohol or sexually explicit dancing (i.e. freaking, grinding, or dirty dancing) and any dancing which may result in disruption or injury (i.e. slamming, moshing, etc.).
- All additional school rules (including dress code) apply at school-sponsored events for both students and guests. Canes will not be allowed into the dance. Violations may result in disciplinary action and/or removal from the dance.
- All bags, backpacks, and students are subject to search upon entry to the dance.
- Students suspected of being under the influence of alcohol may be subjected to a Breathalyzer test.
- Any student who has been suspended may lose extra/co-curricular privileges. Seniors who have been suspended may not be able to participate in Senior Prom and the graduation ceremony.
- Visit the Student Life Web Site to download the most current Dance Agreement. Each dance may have additional rules and guidelines.
Dance Dress Code
Please remember the dance dress code for all female attendees before purchasing your dress: At least finger- tip length, no spandex, and naturally flowing. Dresses may not be backless below the bra line or have side cut-outs. Front slits must be fingertip length or lower. Thank you for ensuring an elegant and tasteful dance for all.